
Most contractors request at least 3 quotes before deciding from which supplier to buy materials.

Field Materials Quotes module saves an average of 5-10% in project material costs and makes it very easy to analyze large supplier quotes.

Request quotes from multiple vendors by pasting your bill of materials.

How it works

Field Materials makes it easy to import your bill of materials from your takeoff / estimation software.
  • Import the project’s bill of materials from your takeoff / estimation software
  • Request quotes from your preferred suppliers and suppliers will be automatically notified and reminded to submit quotes
  • Our platform standardizes the format of all received quotes to simplify the analysis

It saves time and money

Field Materials standardizes vendor quotes and automatically analyzes them to find the best options.
  • Our platform empowers you to get many more quotes by automating the analysis: getting multiple quotes saves an average of 5-10% in project material costs!
  • Once a quote is accepted and becomes a buyout, our system automatically ensures the locked in prices on all orders.
  • Buyouts can be set up across multiple projects: getting bulk pricing saves contractors 10-20% in material costs.